Did you know that the Bible has a lot to say about giving and money? In fact, there are over 2000 verses about it...more than just about any other subject. As we strive to be more like Christ, we trust in His Holy word to lead us in this subject.
2 Corinthians 9:7 tells us:
Can you imagine the tender smile on Christ’s face as He told the story of the widow who dropped two tiny coins into the collection box in Mark 12:41-44? In His eyes, her gift was precious because of the generosity of her spirit and her grateful heart.
We, too, are grateful for your tithes and offerings. While there are several ways to give electronically – including automatic withdrawal from checking or savings accounts, debit cards and credit cards – we strongly discourage the use of a credit card if you already carry a balance. Proverbs 22:7 teaches that “the borrower is servant to the lender.” It is our wish that you be a servant only to Christ, not to additional debt.
Once you click the link below, you’ll be directed to our authorized, secure website to continue your giving process.